Quality assurance
Keurmerk Basis GGZ 2019

Van Manen Psychologen has an approved Kwaliteitsstatuut GGZ 2019 (quality status).
See See Kwaliteitsstatuut GGZ 2019
University level
NVGzP is the Dutch abbreviation meaning the Dutch association of healthcare psychology and its specialisms.
The study Psychology at the University: 6-7 years average (Bachelor and Master-BIG registration : Psy.D.) Specialisation/Postmaster of the University:
- Health Care Psychology (duration: 2 years) law BIG registered
- Clinical Psychologist-specialist is a specialisation of 4 years after the Health Care Psychology (10 or 11 years in total).
- Clinical neuropsychologist-specialist is a specialisation of 4 years after Health Care Psychology (10 or 11 years in total).
- Clinical Psychopharmacology is a Master education at the University after Health Care Psychology (2 years) and 5 years of work experience as a Health Care Psychologist. This Master education is coming from NM state University USA.
In different states of the USA the prescribing psychologist prescribes medicines on prescription.
The specialisation psychologist-psychotherapist takes 4 years.
- This specialisation can be obtained after Master Psychology,Master Medical school and Master HealthCare Science.
- Psychologist-psychotherapist after a master study psychology and other 4 years postmaster psychotherapy.
- Psychiatrist-psychotherapist after a master Medical School and other 4 years postmaster psychotherapy.
The specialisation of VGCt (society of Behaviourism and Cognitive Therapy).
- The education takes 5 years on average after Master Psychology or Master Medical school.
- Task group Clinical Psychopharmacology: Rony van Manen, MSc. Psy.D., Huib van Dis, MSc. Psy.D., Marieke Fonk, MSc. Psy.D and Brenda Kouwenhoven, MSc. Psy.D. Clinical Psychologists (prof. dr. Jan Derksen, Nijmegen University and Brussel University and prof. dr. Jan-Henk Kamphuis, Amsterdam University).
Our practice treats patients referred to us by various general practitioners, physicians, physiotherapists, medical specialists, psychologists and psychiatrists.
General practitioner drs. R. Suliman,
General practitioner drs. W. Libeton en drs. M. Witte-Libeton,
General practitioner drs. D. Keijzer.
General practitioner drs. Duivenboden ( International healthcare)