
De psycholoog heeft een beroepsgeheim / geheimhouding (onder beroepscode van het Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen). Alles wat u bespreekt is vertrouwelijk.

Uw psycholoog houdt van de behandeling een dossier bij. Informatie aan derden zoals een arboarts, huisarts of collega psycholoog-psychiater etc. wordt uitsluitend met schriftelijke toestemming verstrekt.

Per 25-05-2018 is de AVG-wet (Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming) ingegaan. Hiervoor is een privacy verklaring opgesteld door de praktijk volgens het NZa (Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit).

De wet op de geneeskundige behandelovereenkomst (WGBO) schrijft voor dat u in ieder geval mondeling wordt voorgelicht over de bevindingen bij het onderzoek en de voorgestelde behandeling.

Since 25-05-2018 there is the AVG-law about privacy. We’ve made a privacy statement according to the NZa (Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit).

Privacy statement according to the AVG law, based on the NVGzP model.

Van Manen Psychologen attaches a high value to the careful handling of your data. Therefore this privacy statement.

Your file

The law requires BIG-registered professionals: gz-psychologists, clinical psychologists, and clinical neuropsychologists to create a file. This file contains the information which is necessary to provide good care and/or carry out careful research. The law requires us to keep files for fifteen years.

Your rights

As a patient, you have the right to inspect the information contained in your file, in the presence of the psychologist. If you find any inaccuracies in the record, you may ask us to correct or supplement this information. If you do not agree with the information contained in the file, you can ask us to add your statement (your opinion) to the file. You also have the right to ask us to destroy (parts of) your file. For all rights applies that we in principle grant your request. Only if we believe that the interests of others, for example, your children, will be harmed can we (partially) deny your request.


As BIG-registered: gz-psychologists, clinical psychologists, and clinical neuropsychologists, we have a duty of confidentiality. This means that we will only speak to others about you or your child with your explicit permission. Only in special cases does the law give us the right to provide information without your permission. In such cases, we usually first seek contact with you to discuss the provision of information.

The rights of you and your children

If a child is not yet twelve years old, the custodial parents exercise their rights. If a child is already twelve but not yet sixteen years old, the child and his/her custodial parents can both exercise his/her rights. From the age of sixteen, a young person exercises their rights independently. If a child from the age of twelve is not capable of exercising their rights or overseeing the consequences due to a mental disability, psychological disorder, or for any other reason, their custodial parents exercise their rights on their behalf. If it concerns an adult who is unable to exercise their rights due to an impairment or disorder, then the mentor or guardian may do so on their behalf. If there is no such court-appointed representative, then the patient’s parents, siblings, or adult child will exercise the patient’s rights

More information

For additional information about exercising your rights, please call or email Van Manen Psychologen.