Published articles by R. van Manen, MSc. Psy.D.
Using ADIKA for psychopathology by children and adolescents
Interview in the magazine for Orthopedagogy, child Psychiatry and Clinical child Psychology.
Publisher: K. Pyck, Herenstraat 39, 3000 Leuven Belgium (1987).
Authors: R. van Manen, MSc, Psy.D., prof. D.J. de Levita Ph.D. M.D. and M. Kortenbout van der Sluis, MSc.
Wetenschappelijk boek i.v.m. testmethode ADIKA:
Interview of Amsterdam Diagnostic for children and adolescents.
Publisher: Swets & Zeilinger B.V. Lisse (1993).
Authors: R. van Manen, MSc, Psy.D., dr. D.J. de Levita Ph.D. M.D., dr. P.B. Defares Ph.D. Psy.D., and M. Kortenbout van der Sluis Psy.D.
Published articles by R. van Manen, MSc. Psy.D.
GZ-psychologen moeten zich beter profileren Article by R. van Manen, MSc, Psy.D. in magazine for health psychologists 2012. Authors: R. van Manen Psy.D. and E. Dorrestijn BSc.
Published articles by R. van Manen, MSc. Psy.D.
Onderscheid ja als BIG- geregistreerde psycholoog van de BIG-loze psychologen, alternatieve therapeuten en kwakzalvers. 2018. NVGzP.
Published articles by R. van Manen, MSc. Psy.D.
Stop de verwarring op ggz-opleidingen, patiënten kunnen niet langer wachten. (Tekort aan BIG geregistreerde psychologen en de wachttijden in de GGZ lopen gigantisch op.) NRC 20-11-20. Auteurs: drs. R. van Manen en A. Leeflang BSc.
Member of the taskforce group:
Pharmaco-Psychology promoting prescriptive Authority G.Z. and Clinical prescribing psychologists. Clinical prescribing psychologists have already obtained and practiced in the U.S.A. (M. Fonk, MSc. Psy.D., H. van Dis, MSc. Psy.D., and B. Kouwenhoven, MSc. Psy.D., clinical psychologists). R. van Manen, MSc. PsyD, has a Masters degree in Psychopharmacology (2012) at the NM State (the New Mexico State University) in The U.S.A.

M.A.J. van Manen
The paintings on exhibit in the practice are created by artists:
- S. Thie, Creator of portraits in The Hague (Art Academy)
- M.A.J. van Manen, Artist in Bilthoven (UvA)
- E.E.H. Groeneveld, Artist, (University of Leiden)