About us
Certified Psychology Practice R. van Manen MSc. Psy.D. consists of:
Drs. R. van Manen, Psy.D.
L. Noordermeer, MSc.
P. Balkenende Health Cloud Initiative
Eldermans|Geerts Lawyers in Zeist: does cases for van Manen doctors in Psychology.
J. Bol internship – Gymnasium Sorghvliet

R. van Manen, MSc. Psy.D.
- Psychology at University of Amsterdam (UvA).
- Master Clinical Psychopharmacology at New Mexico State University (NM State University, VS) in corporation with Dutch Institute of Psychology in Utrecht (NIP)(attained a grade point average of 4.0. will be honored, May 10th 2012)
- Specialisation: Health Care Psychology and generalisation basic GGZ
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) therapy for traumatic experiences educated by prof. dr. Ad de Jongh, Clinical Psychologist en E. ten Broeke, MSc, Psy.D. Clinical Psychologist
- VGCt (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy)
- PTSS through Respicon Method by prof. dr. P. Defares.
L. Noordermeer, MSc.
- Psychology study at Leiden University
- Master health psychology
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) by drs. P. Baldé, teacher at the university, GZ-psychology
- VGCt (Cognitive Behaviour therapy), 5 years in total
- Postmaster degree in body-oriented psychology
- Psychologist NIP